Q. Will I need to complete any work before attending the practical course?
A. Before attending the course you will be sent a welcome pack. As one of the practical criteria is to demonstrate research skills you will be asked to do some preliminary research and preparation which will need to brought to the practical sessions. It will be beneficial if you are familiar with the Science related to each practical although the teachers will be able to provide additional guidance and instruction to ensure that you are able to carry out the practical work.
Q. If I only want an A Level grade do I need to complete the practical endorsement?
A. All exam boards expect that a student entering for A Level Science completes the relevant practical endorsement. Additionally, University offers will normally include the requirement that you pass the practical endorsement.
Q. I would like to book my practical endorsement with Exam Centre Birmingham but take my exams at another centre, can this be arranged?
A. This is an approach that we can support, but before booking the practical endorsements please ensure that you check with your entering centre that they will accept this and obtain a confirmation. We will provide a letter confirming the outcome of your practical endorsement course.
Q. What do I need to do to pass the practical endorsement?
A. To pass the practical endorsement you need to demonstrate that you can consistently meet the standards of all of the practical competencies (shown on pages 25-26 of the AQA practical handbook here. Our courses are structured so that you will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate each of the competencies.
Q. What happens if I fail the practical endorsement.
A. As you progress though the four days of the course the teacher will provide regular feedback on your progress and how to improve as required. If, despite this, you are unable to achieve all of the competencies the teacher and staff at the centre will be able to discuss further options with you.
Q. What do I need to bring to the practical sessions?
A. We provide lab books which include lined paper and graph paper where appropriate for recording your practical work. You will need to bring stationary and a calculator. Lab coats and safety goggles are provided but please ensure that you are appropriately dressed for working in a laboratory, including suitable foot ware (no open toed shoes). Tea and coffee are available at the centre but we suggest you bring a packed lunch although there are food outlets nearby.